Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Better Golf Swing Is Inevitable

by: Mike Pedersen
A better golf swing is inevitable…for any golfer, with the right approach. It doesn’t matter age or ability. It’s a reality…and can happen very quickly!

To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer needs to realize just how physically demanding it is on the human body. You are swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely. If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price. The outcome either way is not what you want…but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas.

Along with strengthening comes stretching. Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers. Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch. Why? Because it is viewed as ‘work’. But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story.

Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored. It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing. Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness.

But that’s where the BIG gap is. Between instruction and physical fitness. This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now. When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.

The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved. This outcome is inevitable when you get your body moving better. Your golf swing mechanics fall into place.

It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement this way. It’s the only way that will warrant lasting results and ultimately a better golf swing.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country. He is Golf Magazine's golf performance expert; author, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Golf flexibility Training Will Eliminate Tension In Your Golf Swing

by: Mike Pedersen
Golf flexibility training has come a long way. There are many more golf flexibility training stretches that can greatly impact your golf swing. Simple golf stretches, that done daily will give you a huge return on investment (your time).

There is a big difference between ‘general’ flexibility training and golf flexibility training. Just take a look at the positions the body is in during the golf swing and you’ll see many potential golf stretches you can come up with on your own.

The most common area a golfer should apply golf flexibility training is the backswing, impact and follow through.

You might be saying, “well that’s the whole swing”.

Yes…you might think so, but I’m talking about creating a golf flexibility training program that incorporates golf stretches specifically for those positions of the swing. As mentioned earlier, just take a look at the position your body is in at the top of your backswing; impact; and follow through into your finish.

There are your stretches!

It’s not rocket science to come up with golf training programs regarding both flexibility and strength. You’ve just got to use your creative side and keep the golf swing in mind when devising these golf training programs.

Tension is the biggest “killer” in the golf swing…bar none!

Most amateurs, if not all of them (us) have tension in our golf swings. Tension robs you of power. This is a known fact! A tense muscle is a slow muscle. A slow muscle produces minimal speed and ultimately power.

The key to a powerful golf swing is minimal tension and effort equals maximum distance AND accuracy.

One quick way to improve this is with a consistent golf flexibility training program done daily. This doesn’t entail 60 minutes of your time and dozens of stretches. I’m talking about 6-8 key golf flexibility training stretches taking up no more than 15 minutes per day.

Can you handle that?

I know you can. If your golf performance is important to you, you’ll make the time to get the results!

And when you step onto that course and start making effortless golf swings that go farther and straighter than ever before, you’ll know it was well worth doing your golf flexibility training.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance swing trainers in the country. Golf Magazine's expert at, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

This article is free for republishing
The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Golf Swing Improvement The Fast Way

by: Mike Pedersen
Golf swing improvement is a never ending goal for every golfer wanting to play better golf.

This is hardly surprising because the golf swing is such a critical area of the game and is indeed the core of the golf game.

Without making any visible improvements on their golf swing, the chances of any individual’s golf game improving are close to nil.

However many golfers have discovered that although learning the necessary technique is important, it often does not yield the desired effect and hardly brings any visible improvement in the golf swing.

Time and again it has been proven that golf exercises and especially golf-specific stretch exercises are really the fastest route to golf swing improvement.

Experience has clearly shown that all the best techniques and tips are virtually useless when the body and muscles have not been conditioned to play their important role in the whole thing.

Golf swing improvement exercises usually include various stretch routines designed to impact on the muscles used during a golf swing.

The program will also include weight training with the use of dumbbells to build strength in the muscles.

Many golfers fear golf exercises without really understanding what they are. They are in fact fairly easy to do. And what is more, your golf exercise routine can be stretched to include brief sessions in the office and home when you have a moment to spare.

This is no doubt a very attractive preposition to those busy executives who may feel that they will not have enough time to spend hours on end in the gym doing exercises. Actually golf swing improvement exercises do not at all require long hours in the gym.

The building of strength and flexibility through stretches in the body play a major part in golf swing improvement.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his proper golf swing site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Golfer’ Back Exercise Can Eliminate Back Pain

by: Mike Pedersen
‘Golfer’ back exercise is a key part of any golf-specific exercise routine.

A closer look at the golf swing will show clearly that it heavily depends on and indeed leans on the back. Actually a perfect golf swing is really all about using the spine as an axis to allow the correct swing plane. The spine is at the very center and core of the golf swing.

The facts of the matter are that a golfer with a back problem will always face an uphill and maybe impossible task when it comes to improving on their game. The back will always come in the way of any efforts at improvement.

This is where ‘golfer’ back exercise come in. They can be extremely useful in helping solve this nagging problem amongst the many golfers who suffer from this problem which can be both very painful and frustrating.

There are cases where the back problem started even before the golfer started playing golf and there are other cases where it starts shortly after they start frequenting a golf course.

There are even cases where the problem is greatly aggravated by golf. Chances of getting an improvement on your game from all three different scenarios with the help of golfer back exercises are very high.

Many ‘golfer’ back exercise involve stretching exercises some of which I have covered in previous articles. Interestingly enough, I have witnessed some of these stretch exercises helping some golfers with chronic back pain problems.

There are some who have been fortunate enough to have the problem completely disappear while others have gotten a great deal of relief as a result of the ‘golfer’ back exercise.

‘Golfer’ back exercise can also help golfers who have never experienced any back problems to avoid them altogether. As we have already seen, the golf swing involves so much use of the back that injury to it is quite easy.

Especially where the golfer is not involved in any golf exercise program let alone ‘golfer’ back exercise.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his proper golf swing site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Golf Exercises Don’t Have To Be Grueling

by: Mike Pedersen
Golf exercises are viewed by the majority of golfers as “work”. That is why it is so difficult to convince golfers that golf exercises can be fun and don’t have to wipe you out physically.

I’ve worked with many golfers in person and with my online golf performance sites, who were shocked to realize how much fun and motivating golf exercises can be.

Don’t picture going into a sweaty, smelly gym and lifting god-awful weights. No…picture doing golf exercises that mimic your golf swing and have a direct impact on your power, accuracy and consistency.

This new outlook will be a huge motivating factor in the success of your golf exercise program. When you envision the end result, it makes it all worthwhile.

It’s also a double benefit!

Doing golf exercises that closely mimic your golf swing, will not only improve the strength and flexibility of your golf swing quickly, but reinforce your swing technique off the course. This double benefit will transform your game.

Get ready for powerful drives, accurate approach shots, and scores that will plummet.

Golf exercises can be done with very affordable and portable equipment saving you time, money and convenience. The thought of going to a gym; or having to join a gym to get started will keep you from starting indefinitely.

Your golf exercises can be done in your home, office or even a hotel room with exercise tubing, a pair of handweights, and maybe a stability ball if you want to get a little more creative.

They are not golf exercises if they are on a machine (especially seated ones). How can a seated machine help your golf swing, when your golf swing is done on your feet, in a very dynamic position require timing, sequence of motion, and stability to name a few?

So next time your golfing buddy says he’s doing golf exercises, ask him (her) what they’re doing specifically. If he/she says they go to the gym and use the machines, you won’t have to say anymore.

Fueled with the above, affordable equipment you are ready to embark on your golf exercises.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country. Golf Magazine's expert at, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Why A Consistent Professional Golf Swing Is So Elusive

by: Mike Pedersen
A professional golf swing. It is the dream and deep desire of every golfer to be able to consistently execute a professional golf swing every time they play almost at will.

Indeed many spend a lot of time practicing hours on end to perfect their professional golf swing. Still, success remains elusive despite the hours spent in practice and maybe even in coaching sessions as well.

Yet there is no doubt that a professional golf swing is at the heart of the game and it is not possible to expect to play a reasonably good game of golf if one is not able to produce a consistent and good professional golf swing.

Golfers like Tiger Woods have been the subject of studies that show that their professional golf swing not only produces much longer drives but is consistent.

When Tiger Woods entered professional golf for the first time, he was at the tender of age of 20 and he played a major role in ushering in the modern exercise=program golfer.

The research on the Likes of Tiger Woods has confirmed beyond any doubt that the high level of performance by these golfers can be traced back to their exercise training programs.

Golf strength training and golf stretch exercise programs are at the heart of a consistent professional golf swing in the modern game.

This is the reason why virtually every professional today is involved in some serious exercise program and many have personal trainers. This is a thing that was unheard of in golf only a few short years ago but is today widespread.

Despite all the tips and practice you have put in to improve your game chances are that a professional golf swing will remain elusive for you if you do not pay attention to your golf fitness and golf exercises to build up your golf strength and endurance.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his proper golf swing site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Functional Exercise For Golf Warrants The Quickest Results

by: Mike Pedersen
Functional exercise for golf can mean different things to different golfers. But the key is to take a look at the golf swing mechanics and devise golf exercises, drills, and golf programs to strengthen weak or limited phases of the swing.

Not every golfer has the same deficiency and treating golfers this way is like “one-stop” shopping. This will result in failure. No improvement for the golfer. This is a complete waste of time, money and physical effort.

The first step is for the golfer to partake in a golf fitness evaluation to determine the correct functional exercise for golf program.

This evaluation should cover strength, flexibility, stabilization and endurance. These are all key factors in performing at your best. These individual tests cannot be general fitness tests, but tests devised specifically for the golfer in mind.

Functional exercise for golf is dynamic, sequential and incorporates core strength and stabilization. Any functional exercise for golf that does not address this is not for golfers.

First off the golf posture is not common among many sports or athletic movements. Being ‘bent-over’ at the waist with your weight more at the balls of your feet incorporate balance and stabilization immediately.

And remember…this is only at address!

To maintain your posture dynamically throughout the golf swing takes a ‘unique’ blend of all components mentioned above. That is why it is so important to incorporate functional exercise for golf in your routine.

Once you’ve taken the above mentioned evaluation, you’ll have a good idea of what your weaknesses (limitations) are and start designing a function exercise for golf program that will hit those areas.

This functional exercise for golf program should be done a minimum of twice, but preferably 3 times a weak to get results. Being consistent with your program will leave you a happy golfer on the course.

No one ever said it would be easy, but by incorporating a functional exercise for golf program will be well worth it.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Benefits of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer

by: Mike Pedersen
Hardly any professional worth his name today will dare approach their game without a golf fitness stretch trainer of sorts.

The game of golf has changed tremendously in recent times. No longer is it viewed as the leisure sport of old. Golf is now recognized as an athletic sport where performance depends a lot on your fitness level. Thus the wide introductions of golf fitness stretch trainers and training.

Stretch training plays an important role in improving the flexibility of a golfer and therefore the quality of the swing both in terms of controlled direction and much more power and distance.

A stretch training program from a qualified golf fitness stretch trainer will also help in increasing strength in the golf-specific muscles of the golfer.

A golf fitness stretch trainer also helps a professional golfer to recognize the correct warm-up exercises to carry out before any session on the course. This not only improves performance greatly, but it also reduces on the risk of injury.

Golf related injuries can be quite frustrating to a golfer especially when that golfer continues to ignore the possible benefits in quick and permanent recovery that are possible with the help of a golf fitness stretch trainer.

There is one compelling factor about golf that makes the work of a golf fitness stretch trainer so important. In other sports, it is possible to increase fitness level and muscle strength by simply playing the game itself as much as possible.

Sadly this is not the case with golf. One of the reasons is that the most common and strenuous activity in the game, the golf swing, usually lasts barely a second.

This means that the only way to improve golf fitness and the strength of muscles is by exercising away from the course and generally making use of the services of a golf fitness stretch trainer.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Golf Swing Training The Right Way

by: Mike Pedersen
Golf swing training is a critical area in the improvement of any golfer’s game. Yet not all golf swing training programs are the same. The truth of the matter is that there are some that are better and more effective than others.

In this article, I will examine the aspects that make for a good golf swing training program.

Before you even set foot on the course for a golf swing training session, it is important that you prepare your body physically and especially the muscles in your body that you will need to use in your golf swing.

A good golf swing exercise training program must include stretch exercises. Golf-specific stretch exercises are very powerful and extremely effective in improving the golf swing.

The amazing fact is that you do not need to be in the gym or away from your work station to carry out golf swing stretch training exercises. There are many stretch exercises that can be carried out in a spare moment in your office, throughout the day.

A good golf swing training exercise program will also involve weight training using dumbbells. The idea here is not to build bigger muscles but to strengthen your golf swing muscles.

Golf exercise experts will be able to give you the dumbbell exercises that will build your strength without giving you bulging muscles.

This is one of the reasons why these exercise programs using dumbbells have been embraced by lady golfers and even very young junior teenage golfers.

Your golf swing exercise training program can move to the course where you can make full use of golf exercise products like the weighted club.

Here you will be further enhancing and conditioning your golf muscles even as you practice the correct technique golf swing.

By the time your golf swing training program reaches the course and hitting actual golf balls, you will tend to find that your drives will be longer and you will also be more confident with yourself.

The right golf swing training can make a huge difference in your golf game.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Golf Stretching Exercises Have A Direct Impact On Your Drives

by: Mike Pedersen
Golf stretching exercises have been known to have such a huge impact on the golf swing that their popularity amongst golfers has spread like wild fire in recent years.

Yet in some cases the golf stretching routines have not been gotten from a real golf-specific exercise expert. While it is true that any stretching exercise and strength exercise will usually result in dramatic changes in a persons’ golf game, getting the real thing from golf experts will usually have an even more excellent result.

What’s more getting a wide range of golf stretching routines from a real expert will mean that you will also have access to several exercises that can be done in the comfort of your office when you have a moment to spare.

Or even in the home. This is a huge advantage for many golfers from the corporate world who are usually pressed for time and finding enough time to exercise quite often becomes a major challenge that borders on the impossibility.

Being able to do a number of golf stretching routines at their work stations in the office when they have a moment to spare becomes an extremely useful advantage for such persons.

Golf stretching impacts directly on the quality of the golf drive because of various reasons. To start with golf stretches help to condition muscles in such a way that the golfer finds it easy to stretch those particular muscles to the limit when driving. Golf stretching also helps increase strength which is useful in achieving longer distances in the golf drive.

Golf stretching is an important part of any serious golfer’s routine.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Golf Stretching Secrets to Improve Performance

by: Mike Pedersen
The trend in larger and therefore heavier club heads in recent years has made golf stretching secrets even more important to acquire.

To make matters worse for golfers not interested in embracing golf stretching secrets, golf is a game unlike other sports where continuous playing improves fitness and endurance. This is because the golf swing lasts only a second.

It is instructive that many golfers are yet to appreciate this rather important fact. This is the reason who they have found it very difficult to see any improvement in their game. Still it is common to see golfers practice hitting the ball for hours on the course. The writing should really be on the wall by now. And that is it is unlikely to improve any golfer’s game if their body is not golf fit.

Muscles that are not fit will usually be flabby and stiff, making a good golf game virtually impossible because a golfer will tire easily and using the correct golf swing will be virtually impossible.

Learning golf stretching secrets should enable a golfer to do the right stretch exercises that will dramatically improve on their flexibility of the body and thus impact positively on their golf swing and all aspects of the game.

Golf stretching secrets include the fact that stretch exercises are critical in taking care of every golfer’s most important and critical piece of equipment. And that is the body. The right stretch exercises will help the body cope with the golf game which is a physically demanding sport.

It requires strength, endurance and muscular control to hit a golf ball at high speed and in the right direction, consistently on a golf course.

Learning the secrets of golf stretching will also allow a golfer to do the right warm up exercises even before they go onto serious stretching routines. All this preparation means that the body will be ready to perform at its’ best and the results will clearly show the true value of golf stretching secrets.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Understanding The Rotary Nature Of A Golf Swing

by: Mike Pedersen
A careful and close study of the golf swing will reveal that it is mainly a rotary golf swing movement.

This is the reason why the most effective golf swing exercises are rotary in nature.

When using golf training aids like the weighted golf club, the rotary golf swing is practiced very effectively. This is a very golf-specific way of practicing and conditioning your muscles for the rotary nature of the golf swing. Using this aid, the golfer goes through the exact set of movements required in the rotary golf swing.

The inside approach is another golf aid that brings out the rotary nature of a golf swing. This device is quite useful for slicers and helps them deal with this problem.

Actually this is basically a problem of ignoring the rotary nature of the golf swing and the result is the problem of slicing the golf ball instead of hitting it correctly.

Another golf training aid that helps a golfer a great deal in appreciating the rotary nature of the golf swing is the exercise tubing. The real strength in this golf aid is in its’ ability to break down the golf swing into many different phases that can be zoomed in on for improvement.

There are also stretch exercises that one can do with a stability ball that will help improve the rotary nature of a golf swing in a golfer’s game. More so the kind of stretch exercises that involve the twisting of the body in different directions.

Stretch and strength exercises can also be done with dumbbells. Dumbbells these days are designed to be fairly portable, meaning that they can be carried around and conveniently kept within reach at home or even in the office for some simple exercises.

All in all, exercises are an important part of getting to appreciate the rotary nature of a golf swing which can result in great improvement of a golfer’s game.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his proper golf swing site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

Friday, March 20, 2009

How A Golf Stretching Routine Can Impact Your Game Quickly

by: Mike Pedersen
Even as you read this article, golf stretching routines continue to positively revolutionize the games of many golfers around the country and indeed around the world.

Golf stretching routines play a major role in helping many golfers achieve consistent and good results on the course with their swing.

Still many golfers are yet to fully appreciate the potential of golf stretching routines and many are not aware of the fact that they usually have a huge impact on a golfer’s game.

A golf stretching routine will tend to concentrate on the muscles and parts of the body used when playing golf and especially during the golf swing.

A useful golf stretching routine will be able to help any golf attain more flexibility as well as strength on the course. It is important to remember that most of the body is used for a golf swing.

Right from the feet to the knees, hamstring and hip, the lower part of the body is critical to the golf swing. Then there are the more obvious participants in the body like the arms and upper body and neck.

A golf stretching routine does a significant job of ensuring that most of these muscles are ready for the strain that golf usually exerts on them.

Usually the golf stretching routine is combined with weight training for maximum effect and results. In fact there are some stretch exercises that involve the use of dumbbells.

Part of the better golf stretching routines will also involve a warming up process and some stretching exercises shortly before you start your golf swings.

This work well to help many a golfer’s body feel much more comfortable during the golf swing. The truth is that the more comfortable a golfer feels when executing a golf swing, the better the results will be.

In fact a golf stretching routine is at the very heart of any genuine golf exercise program.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at

A Better Golf Swing Is Inevitable

by: Mike Pedersen
A better golf swing is inevitable…for any golfer, with the right approach. It doesn’t matter age or ability. It’s a reality…and can happen very quickly!

To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer needs to realize just how physically demanding it is on the human body. You are swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely. If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price. The outcome either way is not what you want…but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas.

Along with strengthening comes stretching. Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers. Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch. Why? Because it is viewed as ‘work’. But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story.

Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored. It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing. Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness.

But that’s where the BIG gap is. Between instruction and physical fitness. This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now. When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.

The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved. This outcome is inevitable when you get your body moving better. Your golf swing mechanics fall into place.

It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement this way. It’s the only way that will warrant lasting results and ultimately a better golf swing.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country. He is Golf Magazine's golf performance expert; author, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at